This is my last week before breaking up for Christmas. I just have 3 gradings left to complete before I finish. Wednesday evening I will grade in Nuneaton for Mr. Nigel Banks and Mr. Russell Bromage. Then go for a drink afterwards with my instructor Mr. Bob Howe, then on Thursday evening I am gradin...
This week ahead I have 3 gradings and 2 meetings. My gradings are in Coventry on Friday night, Saturday in Birmingham and Sunday in Sleaford. My meetings are on Wednesday a TOL Board meeting and on Thursday a BTC meeting both in Warwick. I have put out the date for the Midlands championships on socia...
Wow, what a great British championships last Sunday at Worcester Arena, I would like to thank the 1,300 competitors who took part and the 400 officials, the medical team and the Welfare officers and media team. You all did a splendid job, our guest from the USA GM Wadley said it was the most impress...
This week will be a busy one for me. I am grading on Monday night in Birmingham for Mr. Brennan and Mr. Rodgers, then o Tuesday night I am grading in Petersfield for Mr. Sayer. On Wednesday I am picking up GM Wadley who is flying in from the USA from the airport and I will play host for the week whi...
The TAGB held another successful Instructors course at the week-end at Bristol Academy run by GM Dew & GM Walton with some input from GM Sergiew regarding the TAGB instructors software programme. Next year the TAGB National team have been invited to take part in the WASKO world championships to b...
Today sees the return of my blog which I will run till the Christmas holidays. We have just held another tremendous black belt grading with 600 sitting the test. Congratulations to those who were successful and commiserations to those who were not promoted on this occasion. The next big event will be ...
I am back to normality now after four mad weeks, first I went to Florida to attend my son Quentin and his wife Hayley's wedding with the rest of the family, it was a lovely wedding which took place on the beach in Anna Maria Island, which is on the gulf of Mexico. I returned to the UK, landed at Gatw...