Dear Instructor.

We have managed to book some TAGB / BTC approved instructors First aid courses due to the postponement of the BTC instructor day.

The course fits the criteria need for your BTC instructor qualification.

They include extra modules on child resuscitation and martial arts type injury’s.It is open to 13 yrs and above students.

The course is face to face.  It is all in line with covid approved policy’s. (You will need to bring your own face covering for some parts of the course where you need to work as a team).

Access is by pre booking only as spaces are limited to meet covid regulations.

Payment is made on the day with cash or cheque in an envelope (envelopes will be provided if you don’t have one ).

This is in case the course is postponed because of government lockdowns or changes to guidance.


Saturday 3rd October 13.00 -17.00 ( Limited spaces left )

Buddies fitness gym
Elland Road
Brook foot
Spring vale works

Junction 25 off M62.

Sunday 4th October

Because of reduced numbers we shall run two courses if we have enough applicants.

Radmoor centre
Loughbrough college
Radmoor Road
(access via Epinal Way),
LE11 3BT

Course 1  09.15-13.00 
We shall fill this course and if we have enough applicants we shall have a second course.

Course 213.15-17.00

The cost is £50 paid on the day.Y

ou will need to bring your own refreshments on this occasion.

Application for the above course to

GM Walton waltons1234©

Stating your:

TAGB / BTC Licence number (must be up to date)
Phone number

November 8thBristol Academy10.00 to 16.00

Contact GM Dewacademy©

All courses are filled on a first come basis spaces are limited.


GM Walton