The TAGB Committee would like all spectators and competitors attending the forthcoming TAGB British Championships on Sunday 20th November at Derby Area, to read and act on the following information:

Bags.   Derby Area have a strict bag policy.   Please DO NOT leave your bag unattended.  If you do leave your bag unattended, it will be removed as a security measure by the arena security team.  

Lockers.   There are lots of lockers in all changing rooms and in large areas around the arena floor.   The lockers need a £1 coin which is returned once you have finished with the locker.  With this in mind, PLEASE  bring a bag to the event that will fit into a locker and do not bring a bag that is too large to fit.  Unless you intend to not use the lockers and are able to keep your bag with you at all times.  Parking.   Car Parking is available at the arena and charged at £3 per car (to the right and behind Derby Areaa).  There is overspill parking available on the DCFC site once the area car park is full.  All vehicles MUST be parked IN A MARKED BAY or your vehicle will be towed away.  Thanks The TAGB Committee

National Tournaments

TAGB Event Dates

Asda Promotion