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Blogs by Dave Oliver

Written on 16 Oct : 08:09
[ Dave Oliver Blogs ]
This weekend its the TAGB black belt grading at Bristol Academy starting on Friday with Dan grades. Things to remember: DON'T BE LATE! LEAVE YOURSELF PLENTY OF TIME TO GET TO THE VENUE AND FIND A PARKING SPOT. Your dobok should be clean and pressed. Black belts: NO OLD STYLE DOBOKS. Make sure your sparring equipment is NOT torn or taped up, eat and drink prior to your grading. 1st Kups when on the dojang floor if you don't understand any of the commands put your hand up and ask for them to be repeated. Give 100% and I am sure you will be successful, but if you don't achieve promotion on this occasion remember the tenet of perseverance. Good luck to all those that are grading this week-end.
Tol board told us of a free service on twitter called Social Oomph that instructors might find useful, it is at: