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Blogs by Dave Oliver

Written on 28 Jan : 15:09
[ Dave Oliver Blogs ]
The big news on my blog today is that the next Tae Kwon Do International world championships will be held at the Barclaycard Arena (formerly known as the national indoor arena) in the city centre of Birmingham. The date for the championships will be the 16th/17th July 2016, so put it in your diary now. This time we will not be having any section for WTF style tae kwon do.
The British championships in November this year will be held at the Derby Arena, which is situated next to Derby County football ground, this is a brand new facility with plenty of parking available and hotels close by. One again, the TAGB are setting the standard for tae kwon do and the martial arts no other association or organisation in the UK would be hold events at such prestigious venues.